Nov 2, 2018 | Design Tips
Ever needed a logo fast – say, by lunch? Here are some quick tips for a super fast logo design. If you need help with a logo design, ask Lisa to help you out! You won’t have it by lunch, though, but we’ll do our best to meet your timelines. Specials Subscribe...
Sep 12, 2018 | Design Tips
It May Be Small, But It’s So Powerful…Your Business Card! If you’re like most professionals, you have a business card. But, what does your business card *do* for you? “Do”? Yes, that’s right; what does your business card *do* for you? Does it help to actively...
Aug 14, 2018 | Marketing Tips
We know it’s only August, but planning and executing these plans takes time! The holiday spirit brings many forms of celebrations, gifts, decorations and stationery. Stationery means the letterheads and cards that are sent and exchanged in holiday spirit amongst...